Unparalleled Infinities™ 应用

Foodie Manager 1.0
The project entitled “Foodie” aims to anapplication which contains all cooking related information anduploading your own recipes. This application consists of all thosefeatures which are required for searching and uploading recipes. Itis client server architecture where it allows user to see alldetails related to newly uploaded recipes, your own recipes, itsmethods, ingredients etc.For existing user we have provided login functionality, while newuser can sign up and obtain sign in details. The positive side ofthis application is that user can see search for any recipe he/shewants to search.User can also choose the recipe by looking at recipe lists. It alsofacilitates with the information related to whether the recipelists. It also facilitates with the information related to searchthe recipe is from Cake, Chocolate etc. The application allows userto search the particular recipe and also to upload their ownrecipes.